Saturday, 16 January 2016

Starting the day FRESH

Love when the weekend comes and you have some more time to prepare breakfast and  put a little bit more effort in it. During the weekdays I usually take a fruit on the go because I am always getting up in the last minute for work so I don't really have time for doing more :)

I am trying to get rid of the extra kilos gained during Christmas so I am on a cleansing diet with a lot of tea coffee and these days- vegetables. I would like to share with you my favourite recipes with vegetables juices.

1. Carrots: you will need around 9-10 carrots for a 400 ml. juice

2. Carrots and Beetroots: 5-6 carrots and 3-4 beetroots (depending on the size)

3. Carrots, parsley and celery: 8 carrots and the quantity of parsley and celery depends on how much you like those.

Before drinking the fresh juice with carrots always put a drop of olive oil. Many people don't know that in order to get all the vitamins that carrots offer you need to add a bit of olive oil because they are liposoluble (I hope it is correct, I needed to check the work in English).

I hope you enjoyed this article. Have a very lovely Saturday.



Fashion Memos.

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