Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Happy Holidays to Everyone


I hope you are all well and ready for the holiday. I love this time of the year, the best thing with Christmas is that you get to spend time with your family.

I am really happy to be back to Denmark even if I miss the Spanish weather. Great to be back to my little apartment. It was hard to pack 4 months of experience in a suitcase of 23 kilos but happily I did it! Now I am here, getting ready for the holiday.

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!




Надявам се, че всички сте добре и сте празнично настроени. Коледа е любимият ми празник, най-доброто нещо на Коледа е, че имате възмжност да прекарате време със семейството си.

Щастлива съм да се върна в Дания, дори да пропусна страхотното испанско време. Радвам се да се върна в моя малък апартамент. Трудно беше да опаковам4 месеца в куфар от 23 килограма, но за щастие успях! Сега съм вкъщи и се приготвям за празниците.

Надявам се, че имате много Весела Коледа!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

November Inspiring Story

Hello guys and girls,

Today's inspiring story will meet you with an exciting and interesting young woman. She is beautiful, talented and her smile is so big that it can warm up anyone's heart. Meet Marika!

Foto: VintageButikken.dk

Name: Marika Kjellstrøm Christensen
Age: 27
Company/Position: Owner of vintagebutikken.dk selling vintage jewelry and bymarika.com soon to be selling handmade silver jewelry

Foto: VintageButikken.dk

Could you say a few words about yourself to Fashion Memos’ readers? 

I'm a young woman with a creative heart, who never knew what to do education wise or carrier wise. But I always knew that I wanted to create my own life. After finishing Market economist I ended up in the online shop department at VILA A/S which is a subbrand to the big Danish  clothing company BESTSELLER. I worked my way up to department manager in two years, and after one year as manager I decided that it was time for me to make a move if I ever wanted to do what I had always dreamed of. So how do you say no to a good steady income and yes to an unsecure future? You breathe, forget about the money and think about what will make you happy. Then you take the jump.

Where did you get the passion for vintage jewelry? 

I'm not the type of girl who always buys her clothes in 2nd hand stores. I just really like special jewelry and was sad that it was so hard to find in the Danish 2nd hand stores where it was always the clothes which was in focus. I saw a gap in the Danish market and thought it would be a great idea to try and explore it. People loved the idea from the first day as they clearly had been thinking the same.

How was the idea about VINTAGE BUTIKKEN born and did you need to have a substantial investment? 

The last year of my job I started saving up some money. I saved up so that I could live one year without earning anything. I also did everything I could myself. I build the whole webshop myself to save the money. I had also been buying my stock during this year. The rest of my investment was made for the money I started to earn from the shop.

Who are your pieces addressed to?

My goal audience are women between 15 and 40. There are all types of women. The main  type is the girl who likes to personalize her fashionable look with some unique jewelry.

Foto: VintageButikken.dk

Foto: VintageButikken.dk

Foto: VintageButikken.dk

Foto: VintageButikken.dk

How do you go about finding your pieces? We’d love to know about the process—choosing designs and where do you find them?

I find my goods on travels to mostly London, Berlin, Hamburg and around markets in Denmark. I also do online auctions where I buy  whole bunch of unknown jewelry which I get home in a big mess and sort the gold from the trash. I have som great contacts in USA and England who sell vintage jewlery to other wholesalers like me. Here I get most of my silver rings and necklaces, sunglasses and hairbands. As long as the pieces looks nice and in good conditions they are welcome at the shop. The designs are so different and speak to so many different people.

Is there a specific celebrity you’d love to see wearing one of your pieces?

It would be great to see some Danish celebs with my pieces such as Medina (the singer), Sara Bro (radio host) and Stine Abrahamsen (singer in Alphabeat). They are all strong Danish women who people look up to, and who has a great style which would fit my jewelry very well.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned as an entrepreneur?

I have learned that no matter if your business gets success or not, it is always a success to have chosen your dream and tried to chase whatever makes you happy.

Foto: VintageButikken.dk

What would you tell Fashion Memos' readers?

If you feel that something out there is calling for you, don't be afraid to jump into it. And if you feel unsure, just start of slowly next to your job or part time job. All the practical stuff that scare most people away gets a lot easier as soon as you start researching. No entrepreneur knew everything in the beginning. It comes as you go along. And make a business plan, but do not spend too long time on it. Just get going or you can get stuck making plans forever.  

If you want to know more about VINTAGEBUTIKKEN or you just want to know more about Marika

Visit her FaceBook Page or Instagram

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Christmas wishlist

The time for the Christmas wishlist ha come. I usually enjoy doing it every Christmas but apparently this year, there are not that many things I wish for.  
On the top of my list is definitely the Christmas sweater with Santa or Christmas image, one like that is never too much. Next on the list is the rubber boots. I always get a pair of black ones but I think a pair of more colorful and cheerful rubber boots will be great to have.

And last, very practical and useful product-the pocket scale for measuring your luggage. Nowadays, when we travel with companies like Ryanair and EasyJet that charge their customers for anything they can, this little pocket scale would be of a great importance.

What do you think? What is it that you have on your Christmas wishlist?

Времето за Коледния списък с желания дойде. Обикновено се наслаждавам да го правя всяка Коледа, но очевидно тази година няма толкова много неща, които искам.
На първо място определено е коледен пуловер. Следващо в списъка ми са гумени ботуши. Винаги получавам чифт черни, но мисля, че един чифт по-цветни и весели гумени ботуши ще бъде супер за студените зимни дни.

И на последно място, много практичен и полезен продукт-скала джобен размер за измерване на багаж. В днешно време, когато пътуваме с компании като Ryanair и EasyJet, които ни карат да плащаме за всичко, което могат, този малък продукт, би бил от голямо значение.

Какво мислите? Какво има на вашият Коледен списък?

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Guest post-DIY Huge Necklace

Dear Fashion Memos' readers! 

Do you like the new trend  - HUGE NECKLACES? 
If yes, I have a cheaper and more creative option for you to get it. Here is for example this lovely piece by ZARA. 

All you need is a few 'ingredients': 
- beads
- yarn
- metal chain
- pliers
- needle and thread 
- fasteners 

You can go different ways about it, I started to add the pink beads first. Than I fastened the chains together with yarn. Once they were together I added the small yellow and blue beads to it.

Once the major part was done, I have added the chains and the clasp to the necklace. The bracelet was done to the same logic, but it is much easier and smaller:). I fastened the chains together and than added the beads.

I believe it is a perfect combination for both casual and smart wear. You can combine it with all the colours you add to it, so it makes a very fresh and stylish look! Or you can combine it with a black evening dress or a top and you will look smart and dressy!

This way you can do it for the the quarter of the price and combine the colours which you prefer:)!
Have fun!

If you you would like to see some of Diana's other fantastic creations you can see the blog post that was dedicated to her HERE or her Facebook page-DIUS Design.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Hottest Pantone Colors Spring 2014

Hello Fashion Memos readers,

Happy Saturday! Enjoying the day? I hope you are. Here, in Barcelona, the weather has been lovely most of the day, still 20 degrees or approximately, isn't that great?:)

The last days I have been trying to shop for some materials for different DIYs, mostly jewels and I have been thinking about the top colors in 2014 in order to try and match that. I found a list of colors that are supposed to be the hottest for spring 2014 and I am dying to share them with you and hear what you think. Personally, I don't seem to have found some of the colors in the shops but I guess the spring collections have not been released, yet, by all designers

Anyways, I would love to hear from you what you think about all those colors and which ones are your favorite:)

Fashion Memos.


Здравейте скъпи читатели,

Хубава събота! Надявам се, че се наслаждавате на този прекрасен съботен ден. Тук, в Барселона, времето беше страхотно, по-голямата част от деня, все още е 20 градуса или приблизително  (не е ли супер :)?)

Последните дни се опитвам да пазаря материали за различни DIYs, предимно бижута и се позачудих какви са топ цветове за пролет 2014 г., и искам да споделя с вас какво намерих.

Намерих списък от цветове, които се очаква да бъде най-горещите за пролетта на 2014 г. и искам да чуя вашето мнение и мислите по темата. Лично аз, не открих някои от цветовете в магазините, но предполагам, пролетните колекции не са изложени още от всички дизайнери.

Както и да е, бих искал да чуя от вас какво мислите за всички тези цветове и кои са любимите ви :)? Идеи?

Фешън Мемос.

Pantone Fashion Color Report Spring 2014

P.S. Join the Facebook - Twitter - Instagram pages and follow all the updates from Fashion Memos.

Присъединете се към страницата ми във Facebook - Twitter - Instagram за да получите най-горещите новини.

Nelly.com Findings

Dear Shopaholics,

Great news for you! Remember NELLY.COM? The biggest online shop in Scandinavia and also available in Europe, of course. They have the coolest sale ever-1000 fashion garments that are discounted to only 10 Euro:)

Isn't that NICE!? Pretty good deal.

I have already ordered my favorite items among which are those babies below:)

Any comments? What do you think?

Here are some items that I like and would love to see in my closet:) 
Any favorites?

I hope you get use of this post and the discount period- it could be also a cheap idea for a Christmas present:) 

Enjoy your day!
Fashion Memos

Thursday, 31 October 2013

October Fashion Show

Dear Readers,

I have always wandered why there is no fashion events or at least not that many in Aarhus. Now, I am having my internship in Barcelona and all those nice events are being organized while I am not there.

Anyways, it is a fashion show organized by ONLY, QUINTESS and QUINT. Unfortunately, I could not attend but I saw some lovely videos and could get some pictures from my spies in Aarhus.

I hope you enjoy them, its all for you!

Have a great Halloween party and don't forget to share some photos of your costumes on Fashion Memos Facebook page, I would be glad to look at them:)

Fashion Memos

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Saturday Zara Cravings

Hello Darlings,

I hope that you are enjoying the lovely weekend!

I have just been surfing through Zara's webpage, checking the new winter collection. Here are some of the items that caught my eye.

Jumpsuit/ ZARA- Checked skort/ ZARA- Boots/ZARA

The lovely jumpsuit that you can also see in the shops would look amazing with a pair of high heels for a nice occasion or the Friday night party. Then comes the checked skort which seems to be very in this season. I am definitely loving it and will need to get one...and at last the super cool half gummy half textile boots.

What do you think about those lovely garments? Anything that mach your list of cravings?

Fashion Memos.

Friday, 25 October 2013

On The Go In Barcelona Part 3

So...the long waited part 3 from my Barcelona guide and the must see places in the city is ready my dear readers!

In order to complete the full list of all the places you, guys, must visit there is two more things to add. The first is, of course, the wonderful Sagrada Familia temple. The great creation by Gaudi is visited by thousands of people, because of the magnificent view and environment.

It was actually one of the first things that I saw in Barcelona and one of my favorite places to visit. 

...and of course Park Guell... it is definitely the biggest park I have been to  and it is a great place to relax, have some food and at the same time enjoy Gaudi's art and work in the park:)

 I hope these guides help you if you are going to travel soon to Barcelona. In case you are interested in some more information or tips on good restaurants, just comment under the post or send me an email and I will take care of it and make sure you have some extra information!

Anyways, enjoy your Friday! And keep tuned for more news on Fashion Memos:)

Fashion Memos.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

On The Go In Barcelona Part 2

My dear readers,

This is second part of the Barcelona must see places and my experience while visiting them. One of them is definitely the lovely Barcelona beach- Barceloneta. It is a great place full of live and energy. It is probably always full of people and you can hardly find a place to sit there. There is a lovely walking alley where you can roller skate or ride a bike and at the same time you can enjoy the view from one of the cafes located near the beach.

Another must see place is of course with no doubt-Camp Nou. Even if you are not a football fan, you must see a game at the stadium and experience the ambient. We had tickets high in the stadium and in the beginning I thought that this is a mistake as it will be hard to see and follow the game but in fact the experience was amazing. I recommend it!

More news from the trip in the next post!

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook-Twitter-Bloglovin-Pinterest.

Fahison Memos.

Friday, 11 October 2013

On the go in Barcelona Part 1

Dear Lovely Readers,

I hope you have had a great Friday! Any plans for the weekend:)?

I had lovely days in Barcelona together with my boyfriend these days, visiting some of the great places in the hear of Catalonia. I decided that I should share some of the great places with you and create a short list of places that you definitely need to see.

One of the first places we visited was Passeig de Gracia and La Rambla-just in the heart of the city. Lovely place to take a walk and visit the shopping area. One of my favourite places was ZARA at Passeig de Gracia-a huge shop that has 3-4 foors. They have everything-man, women, home and kids-love it!


Something for your sweet tooth, its hard to resist!


You should definitely visit the different food and antiques markets around the La Rambla and the harbor, too.

And one of the most amazing attractions for me is of course-Montjuic. The singing fountain and the view from the hill is just an incredible experience that is a MUST SEE in Barcelona.


More pictures from the trip in the next posts, stay tuned!

Have an awesome weekend!
Fashion Memos

Monday, 30 September 2013

September Adventures

Dear Ladies,

I hope you have had a kick ass start of the week!
It has been one month since I first came to Barcelona-it is crazy how fast time is passing. Here are some pictures from the experiences I had since the first day I came into the city.

 I am amazed by the great atmosphere in this city and the action. I kind of fall in love in the small narrow streets and squares with little markets that you can find all sorts of staff.
Three months to go from my internship, so I have still some time to enjoy this amazing place. 

Stay tuned for more news from Fashion Memos and keep an eye on daily updates in Facebook/ Twitter/ BloglovinPinterest from Barcelona

Fashion Memos.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Shorts and Sun...

It is almost October, and I still wear shorts, the sun is still shining strong and I still feel like I am in wonderland-but it is actually just Barcelona.

The weather in Denmark is much different right now. People are already putting their autumn coats and preparing for the long danish winter. Not here... here in Barcelona, people are still enjoying the great sun and the lovely Spanish ambiance. 

I hope you have had a lovely weekend, enjoying yourself in your free time!

Fashion Memos.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Protect Your Darlings

Dear Ladies,

I am happy to finally write this post, I have had some blogger problems and I can't really write any posts. Hope that this will be fixed very soon 😊

Anyways, I prepared my dear beauties for the urban environment in Barcelona. I used my favourite high heel protector from Plastic Fantastic or now called Redo Your Shoes. They have came up with even more girly products and they continue doing that for us😆you should definitely check Them out.

So in order for me to protect my babies from the Barcelona streets and cobblestone steets I needed:

- a pair of beautiful stilettos 
-hair dryer 
-a package of invisible heel protector-as you know the package contains two sizes of heel protectors- one for the very thin like the one I have on the picture and a pair for a bit thicker ones.

... So first thing you should do is to choose the size that fits best your heels.

...after that you should cut the protector until it fits-remember, you should not necessary use the whole protector! As you can see from the picture I did cut the part that is left, simply because you don't need it.

The next step that you need to go through is to turn on the hair dryer and point it towards the heel protector. It will take around 1-2 minutes until the protector shrinks around the heel. 


Here you go...just in a few minutes your babies are protected. How long will that last? Well, if you wear your heels very often then probably in around 6months you will need to change it- just take small scissors and cut through👍 That is it! Hope I helped, and please let me know if you try it, I am very interested in hearing about your experience :-) 

Have an awesome Friday Ladies, and dont forget to protect your darlings before going crazy tonight:-)
Fashion Memos